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时间:2024-08-26 19:24:10

raise 英[reɪz] 美[reɪz]


1. 提升

raise sth:提升、举起或提起某物到更高的位置或水平。

She raised her hand to ask a question.(她举起手来提问。)

He raised the flag on the top of the mountain.(他在山顶上升起了旗帜。)

2. 直立、站立

raise sth/sb/yourself (+ adv./prep.):使某物/某人/自己直立或站立。

She raised her head and looked around.(她抬起头四处看了看。)

He raised himself from the chair and stood up.(他从椅子上站起来。)

3. 提高

raise sth:增加或提高数量、水平等。

They decided to raise the price of the product.(他们决定提高这个产品的价格。)

We need to raise the quality of our work.(我们需要提高工作的质量。)

4. 筹款

raise money:通过募捐等方式筹集资金。

They raised money for the charity by organizing a fundraising event.(他们通过组织一场募捐活动为慈善机构筹集了资金。)

5. 提及

raise sth:提及或引起某事。

The report raised concerns about the safety of the new product.(该报告提出了对新产品安全性的担忧。)

Her speech raised awareness of the issue among the audience.(她的演讲在观众中引起了对该问题的关注。)

6. 抚养、饲养

raise sb/sth:养育或饲养某人/某物。

They raised three children together.(他们共同抚养了三个孩子。)

He raises cattle on his farm.(他在农场饲养牛。)

7. 终止、解除(约束)

raise sth:终止或解除某种约束。

The decision to cancel the project raised a lot of controversy.(取消该项目的决定引起了很多争议。)

The court raised the injunction against the company.(法院解除了对该公司的禁令。)

8. 与...取得联系、和...通话

raise sb:与某人取得联系或进行通话。

I tried to call him, but I couldn't raise him on the phone.(我试图打电话给他,但是无法联系上他。)

She finally managed to raise her old friend after many attempts.(经过多次尝试,她终于联系上了她的老朋友。)

