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时间:2024-08-04 19:31:23

在英文中,表示“开始”的词汇有多种表达方式,常见的有start, begin, set out, commence等。此外,还有许多与开始相关的短语和习语,如“start from scratch”、“start sb off doing sth”、“start out as sth”等。这些表达方式可以根据具体语境选择使用,下面将详细介绍每种表达的用法和例句。

1. "Start from scratch"


He lost everything in the fire, so he had to start from scratch to rebuild his life.

The company went bankrupt and had to start from scratch with a new business model.

2. "Start sb off doing sth"


My mother started me off playing piano when I was five years old.

The coach starts the players off with a warm-up before each game.

3. "Start out as sth"


He started out as a salesperson and eventually became the CEO of the company.

Many famous actors start out as extras in movies before they become stars.

4. "Start over"


After failing the exam, she decided to start over and study harder next time.

The project was not going well, so we had to start it over from the beginning.

5. "Begin"


The meeting will begin at 9 am.

Let's begin the presentation with a brief introduction.

6. "Start Game"


The referee blew the whistle and the game started.

The concert will start in 10 minutes, so please take your seats.

7. "Start of Spring"


According to the Chinese calendar, the start of spring is marked by the festival of "Lichun".

Spring starts here according to the Chinese definition of a season.

在英文中表达“开始”可以使用start, begin, set out, commence等动词,具体选择哪个词汇取决于语境和语气的需求。此外,还有许多与开始相关的短语和习语,如"start from scratch",“start sb off doing sth","start out as sth"等,它们可以丰富我们的表达,使语言更加生动和流利。在不同场合和语境中,我们可以根据需要选择合适的表达方式来准确地传达我们的意思。